Decision Making

Image Credit: MRTplus
Decision Making is a process of choosing and identifying the appropriate alternatives in a given situation, to solve a problem. The decision an individual takes depends on the individual values, preferences, his exposure and experience. We need to make various kinds of decisions in life, at each point of time, either in personal life or in the professional matters. When there arises a need for us to make a decision, we need to get in to the core aspect or the root cause of the problem or situation, and then we need to work out on the best possible alternatives. After studying carefully all the alternatives, and paying attention to the consequences of each alternative, we need to choose the best possible alternative for a given situation.

But decision making is definitely is not limited to making choices, especially in professional and business matters. After recognizing a problem, analyzing alternative solutions, and choosing between them. We need to communicate the decision to the concerned persons, do a follow-up, get feedback and then we need to see if the decision we have made is giving the correct results. Usually what people do, is to look for the immediate solution, to a problem, rather than looking for a perfect one. For example if one is hungry badly, he will look for the best in the nearest place, and go there, rather than preferring to go some distant place, of his own personal choice.

It depends on the situation, time and the need. These are the factors that determine what kind of decision best suits the given situation. You may have the best expertise in the world, but you may not have the resources to implement the suggestion, they have given or you may not have time to do so. There are many factors that influence decision making, in a given situation and in given time. What is best for a given situation, we need to analyze and choose.
